Hassett Street.

Hassett Street Kindergarten

Operating Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday to Friday

9 Hassett Street, Leongatha, 3953


(03) 5662 2326

Hassett Street Preschool is truly a special place where children are embraced with warmth and encouragement to explore, learn, and grow. Our philosophy centers around honoring each child’s unique journey, fostering creativity, and building meaningful connections between educators, children and their families. At the heart of our approach is a commitment to child-centeredness, ensuring that every activity and interaction is tailored to meet the individual interests and developmental needs of each child.

Step into our outdoor play space, and you’ll discover a world of wonder and adventure. From the inviting mud kitchen where imaginations run wild to the vibrant vegetable patch where little hands eagerly tend to growing plants Our indigenous garden further enriches the experience, providing a connection to nature that nurtures a deep appreciation for the world around us. Every corner is brimming with opportunities for discovery and learning from the bustling cafĂ© to the busy car wash, there are many more experiences to be explored.

At Hassett Street Preschool, we believe in creating an environment where children not only learn but also develop a lifelong love for learning, through play, song, dance and discovery. We invite you to come and experience the warmth and magic of our preschool, where every child is supported to thrive and reach their full potential.

“Our program at Hassett Street is based on acceptance of and respect for each child. Our highly qualified educators provide an inclusive kindergarten where all children regardless of individual differences and abilities feel safe, supported and challenged.”

Meet our wonderful team


Director & Early Childhood Teacher




Leongatha Community Preschool Centres